Grief and Loss

Grief and Loss

We’ve been in a pandemic for the past three years and I don’t need to tell you that everything that we ever knew to be true has changed dramatically. Our relationships have changed, our jobs, our homes, the fabric of our communities – everything is completely different. As an INELDA-trained Death Doula and human being who has experienced a lifetime of grief, I offer a space for you to get in touch with, and navigate, your grief and losses. I know that our culture likes to define grief and loss as very specific things, but we’ve all lost something at some point in our lives (our sense of identity, our friendships, an idea about the world, etc). In an attempt to help my loved ones come into conversation with death and grief, I wrote a piece entitled “Constellating Grief” for a Humanities journal called “Survive and Thrive.” I’m linking to it here, with the hope that pieces of it resonate within and for you. 

Death, loss and grief are topics that I navigate with clients in almost every session. Some of my clients have specific losses that include people and/or pets, whereas others just have a deep sense of melancholy or disconnection from the world. This disconnect is completely normal and it’s one way that our nervous system keeps us safe (sometimes it’s called dissociation). It is so important to know that there is no right or wrong way to grieve. It just is.