
Reiki (ray-key) is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.

Reiki for Humans
***Reiki and Somatic Experiencing can be virtual, outdoors or in-person at my office.***
Reiki is a type of energy work that involves moving ki (chi) or energy through the body. As humans, we are made of various types of energy and the role of the Reiki practitioner is to help stagnant or blocked energy move through the body again. Sometimes blocked energy manifests as a sore shoulder or a stomachache, other times it can present itself as a headache or anxiety. I’ve given Reiki to many different people from children to elders and I’ve found that symptoms shift and change during a Reiki session, which is generally a good sign; any energy movement means that something is shifting out of an old pattern.
During your session, there is very little touch, making it very different from getting a massage or any other type of bodywork. Clients have reported feeling various sensations during their treatments, such as warm, cool or tingly vibrations. Some don’t seem to feel much during the treatment, but leave feeling grounded and calm. Everyone’s Reiki experience is completely different, every time, and if you’ve experienced Reiki before, you know that each practitioner has a different energy. I also offer Sound Healing with crystal singing bowls and have a full body infrared heating pad made of tourmaline and jade stones that can be placed on the table for your session.
I am currently a Holy Fire III World Peace Karuna Reiki Master, and have taken my courses through the Minnesota Reiki Center for Healing and Training. I offer Reiki for the whole family, from pets and children to adults and elders; check out my Pricing page for more information. If you would like more information about Reiki and its history, check out the International Center for Reiki Training.
Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle hands-on technique that helps the cerebral spinal fluid move from the head to the sacrum. As a certified Craniosacral Therapist, I am trained to use my hands to listen to the body and allow the body to move or release energy that is stuck. Much like a Reiki session, each Craniosacral session is completely different each time. I’ve found that clients who come in regularly are able to heal faster and work through more body-based trauma in a shorter amount of time.
Some of the clients I have seen have felt significant improvement with anxiety, depression, body aches and pains, insomnia, nausea, headaches and migraines, and jaw pain after a Craniosacral session. As with Reiki, I offer Craniosacral Therapy as a service to the entire family, from babies to elders. In fact, Craniosacral can be incredibly beneficial to babies with a poor latch, birth trauma, colic, illness or injury. Much like a Reiki session, you can experience a Sound Bath with crystal singing bowls and/or choose to lie on a full body infrared heating pad made of tourmaline and jade stones.
If you are interested in learning more about my particular method of Craniosacral Therapy (based on the Upledger School), check out the Heartwood Institute of Integrative Medicine, where I also volunteer as a Teaching Assistant.
Somatic Experiencing
Somatic comes from the Greek word, soma, which simply means body. When you have a Somatic Experiencing session, you are essentially focusing on sensations and experiences in the body and letting go of any meaning or judgement that may arise from your thoughts. If you are uncertain about SE, your sessions can be relatively short (15-20 minutes) and can be used as a tool to get you familiar with Somatic terminology and your own body.
Even if the sessions are brief, a lot of movement and awareness can occur, which may result in the reduction of current symptoms such as pain, headache, anxiety or depression. Many of my clients have felt a little more sensitive and emotional the day after an SE session, but have also slept better and felt more grounded, capable and confident for days to even weeks afterwards. Since we are focusing on the body itself and sensations or movements, there is no pressure to talk or process anything that comes up during an SE session, which can be incredibly helpful for various types of complex trauma.
There is a specific type of touch work that is used in Somatic Experiencing, but differs from Reiki and CranioSacral therapy. For example, Reiki and CranioSacral appointments generally take place on the massage table, with more of an intuitive flow approach. SE Touch, on the other hand, is something that might be integrated throughout the session (touching a foot or placing a hand on a client’s back), or simply offered as an option. Sometimes touch is the fastest and/or easiest way to ground or reorient someone’s nervous system when they are navigating a particularly stressful or painful event/memory. In my SE practice, touch is always navigated with explicit consent. There’s a lot of checking in about the placement, duration and pressure of touch, which I also do during my other bodywork sessions. This may feel awkward at first, but I find that it is the best way to navigate trust and avoid overwhelming the nervous system.
I am an SEP (Somatic Experiencing Practitioner), which means that completed the three year program, as well as the case consult and personal consult requirements. I received my training through the Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute, created by Dr. Peter Levine, with Joshua Sylvae as my instructor. Here is a link to my profile on the Trauma Healing website.
What to Expect
When you come for your bodywork appointment, please arrive in comfortable clothes that allow free movement of your body. You can remove your shoes once you are in the office and there will be pillows and blankets available to keep you warm and comfortable. You also have the option to lie on an infrared heating pad made of tourmaline and jade stones, which can help with deep joint and muscle pain. Expect to be lying face up on a massage table for bodywork sessions, unless you are more comfortable sitting in a chair.
As part of my practice of honoring the body and its inherent wisdom, I take my time in the first couple of sessions. For example, we might track your emotions or body sensations as you move closer to the table and continue to check in as you lie on it. For many, the pandemic has completely fractured our connection to touch and my goal is to hold space for your particular needs, without overwhelming your nervous system. Again, this might feel awkward and is not the usual protocol for many bodyworkers. With that in mind, I will honor whatever works best for you. I have no agenda.
If you’d like to start receiving bodywork, please fill out these forms:
Intake Form
Reiki Intake Form (pets only)
Appointment Request Form
If you would like to gift one of my services, please email me or fill out this form and I can create a gift certificate for your friend or family member. See my Pricing page for the current rates for each service.
DISCLAIMER: Rocksteady Life is a consulting business whose goal is to help you through transitions in your life, which might include Reiki, Craniosacral therapy, Somatic Experiencing, Biofield Tuning and a change in diet and exercise. While natural supplements might be suggested in a session, I’m not a licensed physician, dietician or therapist. The statements made here have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, and the information on this site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Always check with your doctor and/or therapist before making dramatic shifts in your diet and lifestyle.